Page name: Sick of Posers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-12 03:19:10
Last author: mwhisper
Owner: #9437
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This wiki is solely for people to blow off steam about all these goth/punk posers out there who seem to think that the more needles they can shove into their bodies, the better they are. Share your feelings, experiences, and ideas about this subject, even if you disagree.

-[angel of the shadows]
-[apple babble]
-[peace4all_monkey]meep meep! i like peircings but im not a poser!YAY ME!!(only like ears and belly buttons though)
-[Gabba Gabba Hey] wearing black and having peircings doesnt make u anything *cough cough* gothic
-[mwhisper] just cause people dress in black doesn't mean they are posers there just expressing there selfs cause i mean life cant always be about colorful rainbows and all the other stuff life is very depressing but how would you's people know cause yall dont know anything about us

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2004-08-12 [moopie.]: Ronald.. damn kid. He doesn't even know what anarchy is and it's all over his backpack... he calls it, "A" I had a mag. with an anarchy sign in it, he goes, "Aw sweet!! An A!!!" I mean, wtf?

2004-08-12 [#9437]: ANY posers of any type are included. Anyone who tries too hard to be something they're not and say that they are different because they are a certain's simply not true.

2004-08-12 [f8cfaf3]: Yay! my friend joined! well go to my house, copy and paste what I've written about what anarchism is and isn't onto word or something, print it out and give it to Ronald.

2004-08-12 [moopie.]: Hmmm.. haha, I should.

2004-08-12 [f8cfaf3]: Lol yeah you should, makes it alot easier on you.

2004-08-12 [moopie.]: Haha, man.. I'm gonna do that. See the smirk on his face.. that little fucktard.

2004-08-12 [f8cfaf3]: LMFAO! Yeah.. Wish I was there to see the smirk on his face.. lol! nice name you got for him there.

2004-08-12 [moopie.]: Ha, thanks.. he lives up to his name.. god, I really do hate that kid. He's going to be so pissed at me.. sweeeet.

2004-08-12 [f8cfaf3]: Haha, no prob.. Lol that's just annoying, I'd hate the kid too if I knew him. lol yeah.. very rad..

2004-08-12 [moopie.]: Yes.. I think everyone hates him, except everyone else that thinks putting the "A" as they call it everywhere all over themselves.. my god. lol

2004-08-16 [f8cfaf3]: Sleep, it's a bitch. Fluffy, is my bitch. But I'm sleeps bitch.. So does that make Fluffy Sleeps bitch by proxy?

2004-08-29 [Radagast]: arrr, FINALY! People who agree! Those stupid gits, my college is infested with them. All these kids who call themselves emo/goth/punk/retro arr! Its so boring and unoriginal. I mean the people who call themselves punks are so dumb, they are totaly contradicting the meaning of it! To be a punk is to me non conformist and they make it a bloody fashion! Can't people just be them selves!

2004-09-19 [Young J.C.]: "Unique people are all alike" What is the point of that? What about the people who claim to be themselves? Look at that, all those people who "claim" to be themselves! More then one person claims to be themself. So others who claims the same shit is just like the other person that does also. Which means, just about everyone is the same!

2004-09-20 [alu]: listen to my cusin [Young J.C.] im not going to be part of this Gay Ass wiki so kiss my lil white ass ...PREP can bite my ass b/c they suck im PUNK/GOTH and PROUD ppl are themselves thats why they call them punks goth ... we have to b/c u ppl give us a name which is POSERS if u want us to be ourselves then DONT call us POSERS so then we can be ourselves!!!!

2004-09-20 [penguincomrade]: Punk is dead.

2004-09-20 [Young J.C.]: Yes, I have said tht once before also in a different wiki.

2004-09-20 [penguincomrade]: I'm only sick of poser anarchists

2004-09-20 [Young J.C.]: Punk died in the '80's Most people are not even sure what anarchy is.

2004-09-24 [#9437]: No one said that dressing punk makes you a poser. It's the people who insist on giving themselves a specific label, "Punk" or "goth" or "skater" or "gangsta" or "thug" or anything else, and model themselves after their label, who are really "posers." A poser is someone who will follow a specific crowd, and people who call themselves "punks" are following the punk crowd.

2004-09-24 [Young J.C.]: It is Poseurs! Spell it right!

2004-10-14 [el-corko]: really? i always thought it was poser.... o_O

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